The origins of rafting, how did crazy sport come to be
7th July 2020

The origins of rafting, how did crazy sport come to be
Here is a brief history to whet your appetite and get you up to speed! 🙂
You’d better start paddling hard because for the start of this story we’ve got to get all the way to the U.S! It was in 1842 that John Charles Frémont, an American officer and explorer, decided to set off on an expedition down the Platte River (a tributary of the Missouri) with a chum called Day Horace. The two friends set to work building one of the first rafts made of rubber. It turned out to be an excellent idea that gave them a real edge going down the river. It was a slow start, however, and it took almost a century for news of these little vessels to spread over America and for their debut as lesure boats. At last in 1970 we got the first go down the Colorado canyon in a raft!
Rafting in France: 10 years later, rafting arrives in France and it didn’t waste any time getting over the jet-lag! With so many white-water nuts about here, it quickly spread to the hottest spots in the country. The Isère River was pivotal in the early development and honing of rafting as a sport. Jump to 1984, Arc Aventures in born! After bringing a boat over from the States, the team worked to introduce rafting to the public who became immediately infatuated. Thus it was here that the first groups of rafters got a taste for the sport and the sudden high demand wasn’t a problem as the Isère River is the only river in France that provides a steady flow and good water levels all through the summer months. It was official, rafting was here to stay! ☺
Les Arcs and Bourg St Maurice, the epicenter. When you think about it, it’s no surprise that rafting took off so fast in Bourg St Maurice as its unique location in the valley with a river that is practically made-for white water activities combine perfectly with the reputation of the Les Arcs, Bourg St Maurice area as the place for outdoor summer sports. The summer rafting season brings people to Bourg St Maurice from all over and has also been great for tourism up in Les Arcs (the mountain resort directly above Bourg). Arc Aventures has always been at the heart of the action; organising many events like the Grand Prix de France de Raft, the Descente Infernale and the Raft des Entreprises Open. They are still remembered as great successes that had an explosive energy, mixing amateurs with professionals and the public with VIPs and celebrities!
Rafting for the environment (not just for fun!) Our wonderful natural playground is very important to us and sometimes it needs a little maintenance to be at its best in this ever changing climate. Arc Aventures is always ready to lend a hand with the initiatives working to preserve the local flora and fauna. We think it’s important to share this information with the public to raise awareness about the current issues. For many years, we have offered our boats, guides and equipment for the use of certain local teams (the S.I.S.A.R.C & A.P.T.V) so that they can monitor and maintain the riverbanks of the Isère and the surrounding areas. The team has also been assisting a botanist from Ameten in an investigation of the current environmental situation.
Closer to home (on the very stretch of river we use for rafting), we work together with local fishing societies, the EDF and the tourism offices to keep the fish that live in the Isère happy and healthy. The goal is to respect the natural reproduction cycles of the fish and keep the quieter nooks of the river clear for trout to shelter in, away from the hustle and bustle. It only takes a small daily effort from each of us to keep the local wildlife ticking over nicely. It goes without saying that Les Arcs and Bourg St Maurice are the hubs for outdoor sports and summer leisure activities. There is something for everyone! Not only is it one of the best spots in France for rafting, there is also Hydro-speed swimming, canyoning and kayak-rafting! Whatever happens you’ll never have a dull moment on the Isère. Coming to us for a holiday puts you at the heart of the action. We love to push the limits, be adventurous, scream, laugh, live! Don’t worry if you’ve never been, all our activities are adapted for different ages and levels so that everyone can have an amazing time.🙂
Want to come and have a go? We’ll be waiting!